Permissionless Curriculum Design

Create a Curriculum with Git, Jekyll and Github Pages

Use this template to create a web-based curriculum that can be hosted on Github Pages or any jekyll server.

There’s no database-just markdown files and a couple HTML templates. That’s all. Everything is in a github repository, so people can fork the curriculum, add Courses, Modules and Activities, and then submit pull requests or host their own copies of the Curriculum.


For more information about this template, how you can use it, who maintains it, and how you can contribute, go to the project’s page on github.


To create your own curriculum using this template, download the contents of the git repository and add your own content into the “curriculum” directory. That’s all!

How to structure courses in the curriculum

Read the Template Curriculum for info about how to structure your courses, modules, and activities.

Hosting your curriculum on Github Pages

It’s easy to host your curriculum on Github pages. Github’s help pages about Using Jekyll as a static site generator with GitHub Pages should provide the info you need to get going.

Applying Styles and templates

There are lots of Jekyll Themes out there that you can apply to your curriculum. This template is set up to work with the pool/hyde theme, but using it with another theme is relatively easy.

If you already have your curriculum in a git repository, you can apply your content on top of a template like this (assuming your curriculum content is in the master branch). Note: you will probably have to resolve some merge conflicts when you run git merge master

git remote add hyde
git fetch hyde
git checkout -b gh-pages hyde/master
git merge master  
git commit -m"apply curriculum content on top of hyde"

Serve your Curriculum anywhere with Jekyll

In the root of your curriculum content, run

bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve

See the Setting up your GitHub Pages site locally with Jekyll for more info and troubleshooting.